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Accessibility statement for Holmes Chapel Parish Council website


Holmes Chapel Parish Council runs this website. We want as many people as possible to be able to use it, this means that we have made the following changes to the website and you should be able to:


  • Use the site with keyboard-like devices, touch screen devices, screen readers, magnifiers and voice recognition software.

  • Use the site with zoom set to 200%

  • Linked documents, from March 2020 (when the website went live), will be accessible in PDF readers


We have made the colours fonts and text size as simple as possible to be clear and easily read.


For more information about making you device easier to use then please visit AbilityNet


How accessible is this website


We have created the website to be as accessible as possible, however we are aware that some parts may not be, these include:


  • We know that not all the linked documents from before March 2020 may be accessible to screen readers, we are making changes to the key documents but the burden of liability and cost of converting the entire archive is too great for the Parish Council.

  • Where we include videos either through the website pages, news posts or social media they do not have captions, again the cost of this is prohibitive.



What to do if you can’t access parts of the website or linked documents


If you need information on this website in a different format like accessible PDF, large print or easy read layouts then please contact us:


Email –

Call – 01477 533 934

Visit the Parish Council Office:

1 Church Walk

Holmes Chapel




We will be able to provide these documents as a hard copy or can narrate them to an individual either in the office or via the phone.


Reporting accessibility problems


We are always looking to improve the website and accessibility. If you find a problem that isn’t listed on this page then please do contact us via email – or call – 01477 533 934


Updates - Known issues and actions


Disproportionate Burden and accessing documents


All documents prior to March 2020, may not be in an accessible format. Please contact the Parish Office on 01477 533 934 or email if you wish to access them in an alternative format. We can provide hard copies, large print copies and audio narration either at the office or via the telephone. If you wish to access the Annual Governance and Accountability Return for any year, and the Register of Interests forms for Councillors, please contact the Parish Office as above, as technology means we are unable to provide this on the website in an accessible form.


Documents before March 2020 that are not active or used for administrative purposes are classes as archived. As such these will not be updated, if you require copies of these documents in other formats please contact us:


Email –

Call – 01477 533 934

Visit the Parish Council Office:

1 Church Walk

Holmes Chapel




Updated August 2020


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