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Holmes Chapel Parish Councillors

The Parish Council currently has 12 members plus the Council Clerk and Deputy Clerk. 

If you have an urgent query for the Council you can contact the Clerk out of office hours on 07484 904899. To find out which council members are the representatives for particular issues, please see the council structure and other appointments at the bottom of this page


Member's Register of Interests

Copies of the Member's Register of Interest Forms can be viewed within each members profile.

Alternatively, they are also available to view on the Cheshire East Council website:

Anita Armitt
Anita Armitt
Chris Jones
Chris Jones
Martin Elliott
Martin Elliott
Patricia Cotton
Patricia Cotton
Sue McKay
Sue McKay
Brian A Bath
Brian A Bath
Diane Tams
Diane Tams
Michael Street
Michael Street
Rich Wilcock
Rich Wilcock
Tina Cartlidge
Tina Cartlidge
Chris Jackson
Chris Jackson
John Clowes
John Clowes
Mike Blomeley
Mike Blomeley
Steve Allott
Steve Allott

Additional Information

Members Attendance
Training Logs

The Council is committed to providing a formal training strategy as part of the Quality Council requirement. This ensures that staff and councillors are trained to the highest standard and kept up to date with new legislation. To support this, funding is allocated to a training budget each year.

Council Structure & Other Appointments

Council Leadership:

  • Chris Jackson (Chair)

  • Diane Tams (Vice-Chair)


  • Anita Armitt

  • Brian Bath

  • John Clowes 

  • Patricia Cotton

  • Chris Jackson (ex-officio)

  • Michael Street

  • Diane Tams

  • Rich Wilcock

Strategy & Finance

  • Steve Allott

  • Brian Bath

  • Mike Blomeley (Finance Member)

  • Martin Elliott

  • Chris Jackson (ex-officio)

  • Michael Street

Village Infrastructure

  • Steve Allott

  • Anita Armitt

  • Mike Blomeley

  • John Clowes

  • Martin Elliott

  • Chris Jackson (ex-officio)

  • Chris Jones

  • Michael Street

  • Diane Tams

  • Rich Wilcock

Officers of the Council

  • Tina Cartlidge (Clerk of the Council)

  • Sue McKay (Deputy Clerk)

Other Appointments

  • Finance Member: Mike Blomeley

  • HCCS/CEC Leisure Centre Rep: Brian Bath

  • Public Transport and Community Rail Partnership: Michael Street

  • Health: Patricia Cotton

  • Public Service Liaison and Police Forum and Meetings: Anita Armitt, Patricia Cotton

  • Sandbach Almshouses Charity: Patricia Cotton

  • Village Volunteers: John Clowes

  • HC Partnership: Martin Elliott, Diane Tams & Rich Wilcock

  • Community Resilience: Anita Armitt & Brian Bath

  • HCCC JMLC Representatives: Brian Bath & Mike Blomeley 

  • School Liaison: Michael Street 

  • Dane Meadow Liaison: John Clowes

  • CEC Highways: Mike Blomeley

  • Strategic Planning Task Group: B Bath, M Blomeley, J Clowes, & D Tams 

  • British Legion: Anita Armitt & Michael Street

  • Churches: Patricia Cotton & Michael Street

  • Connected Communities: Anita Armitt & Patricia Cotton

  • ChALC: Chris Jackson

  • Youth Council: Brian Bath, Michael Street & Rich Wilcock supported by Sue McKay

  • Sibelco Liaison: John Clowes

  • Business Liaison: Steve Allott

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