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Member of Holmes Chapel Parish Council

Anita Armitt
View Register of Interests
Anita Armitt

I’ve lived in Holmes Chapel since 1967 and have been actively involved in the local community since I was a youngster, having had Saturday jobs at Mandeville’s and later the local library. My husband Philip and I have four grown up children, all raised and educated in Holmes Chapel.

Whilst bringing up my children, I was a founding member of the Holmes Chapel Community Playgroup. I was active for many years with the village Drama Group, the Brownies, and I volunteered at the local Primary School. I was also a founding member of the village Community Minibus Association, which proved to be an invaluable service to the community, particularly for Communicare and the Comprehensive School.

I have worked with a good friend to raise much needed funds for cancer care charities, an issue that is very close to my heart. The main feature was an annual charity golf day held at Mere Golf and Country Club, raising over £80,000. I currently have an active role in the Royal British Legion as the Branch Treasurer and help out wherever I can with local community organisations.

Since joining the Parish Council, I’ve worked to help implement improvements for the local community, including working to increase pedestrian and road safety. I serve on the Village Infrastructure and Amenities committees as well as liaising with outside bodies, Connected Communities and the Police. However, there is still much we can do to make Holmes Chapel an even more appealing and safe place to live than it already is.

As a Parish Councillor, I have been privileged to serve as part of a team dedicated to listening to and addressing the problems and concerns of our local residents, and to be involved in planning for our future. I'm very lucky to have been able to serve the community that I love, and pleased to be able to continue doing so.

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