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Member of Holmes Chapel Parish Council

Martin Elliott
View Register of Interests
Martin Elliott

I have lived in Holmes Chapel with my wife and two daughters since 1986, initially working in Manchester then nationally with BT. During my 39 years with BT I was involved in many roles from Project Management, Sales, Engineering and latterly contract and commercial management delivering managed service solutions to the financial sector clients. After leaving BT, I spent 2 years as a school business manager and 8 years with Waitrose. I retired from paid employment in 2018.

As my wife was a primary school teacher, now retired and my daughters attended Holmes Chapel school, primary education has always been a key focus area. I have been involved with Holmes Chapel Primary (HCPS) initially on the PTA then as a school governor for 25 years, chairing resources committee for 10 years. With HCPS becoming part of the Aspire Educational Trust, I joined Aspire as a trustee where we held the governance responsibility for 11 schools and over 3500 children. After 4 years as a trustee and my growing involvement in the Parish Council, I stood down as a trustee in December 2022.

I am involved with Church Hulme Probus, Holmes Chapel U3A, St Luke’s Church and Holmes Chapel Community Centre Everybody. Most of my leisure time involves taking part in exercise classes, Yoga, Pilates, Circuits etc. I also enjoy walking, reading and importantly travel and holidays.

Having previously being co-opted to the Parish Council and now elected, I now have an understanding of the breadth and extent of work the Parish councillors undertake on behalf of the residents, which contributes to the community we all share and enjoy. I am delighted to be a member of our Parish Council and look forward to continuing to contribute to our village.

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