Parish Council Elections
On 4th May 2023 there were Parish and Borough Elections.
For the Parish Council the following people were elected:
Steve Allott, Anita Armitt, Brian Bath, Mike Blomeley, John Clowes, Patricia Cotton, Martin Elliott, Chris Jackson, Chris Jones, Mike Street, Diane Tams & Rich Wilcock.
The Ward Members for the Dane Valley are Russell Chadwick and Andrew Kolker.
Do you want to make a difference to your community and be a voice for the residents of Holmes Chapel?
Are you passionate about improving the lives of those living in the village? Why not become a Councillor and join Holmes Chapel Parish Council.
Councillors are people who give their time to serve others and get involved with issues concerning the village. As a local councillor you can become a voice for your community and make real change. Local councillor responsibilities fall into three main categories:
• Decision-making
• Monitoring
• Getting involved locally
Local councillors attend to local needs of residents, local groups and businesses, make decisions on local services, collaborate with district and borough councils to adhere to local needs, and progress vital projects to invest in the future of the community.
In the past Holmes Chapel Parish Council has partnered with the community to organise the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations, created a new play area, coordinated support for residents during the pandemic, initiated improvements at the Dane Meadow and purchased the Community Centre for local residents to enjoy, as well as advocating to Cheshire East about transport issues, housing concerns and much more. We are also a Quality Gold Council as accredited by the National Association of Local Councils! Why not get involved?
To be a Parish Councillor you must:
Be a British Citizen or Citizen of the Commonwealth or European Union
Be 18 years or older on the day you are nominated for election.
For the whole 12 months prior to nomination for election you have been either an elector of the parish and either occupy or rent/own premises in the parish or reside within 3 miles of the boundary of the parish or have your principal or only place of work in the area.
If you have any questions about what being a Councillor involves, what the Parish Council does or any questions about the nomination process please contact the Clerk on 01477 533934, email or come into the Parish Office.
Holmes Chapel and the Parish Council need you!
Below is a gallery of images of projects the Parish Council has been involved in over the years
