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The range of services and amenities provided by Local Councils varies enormously. This Parish Council has an extensive range which all contribute to the primary responsibilities of the Council.


These responsibilities are to:

  • improve and maintain local services and facilities

  • support local voluntary organisations and activities

  • influence and lobby on local development and services


Holmes Chapel Parish Council operates a committee system which enables members to consider more complex issues in some detail at committee level. Each committee has a Chair who has been nominated and voted for by his/her councillor colleagues.


Decisions are made by a majority vote from all councillors present at the meeting at which the decision is made.


The council has three principal committees which meet at least 6 times a year. These are as follows:

  • Strategy and Finance

  • Amenities

  • Village Infrastructure


Further detail regarding the role of each committee can be found on our Council Structure page.


The full Council strives to meet every six weeks.


The agenda for each meeting is issued a minimum of three clear working days before the meeting is due to take place.  These are posted on our website and noticeboard outside the office in Church Walk.

Unless noted otherwise in the agenda, all Council meetings and all Committee meetings will be held at The Academy Suite, Holmes Chapel Community Centre,  commencing at 7.00pm.


Code of Conduct
Complaints Policy
Equality Policy
Grants Policy
Powers & Duties
Publication Scheme
Risk Management
Standing Orders
Commemorative Policy
Documents and Records
Financial Regulations
Health & Safety Policy
Pre-Application Protocol
Remote Meetings Procedure
Safeguarding Policy - Adults
Training Statement
Communications Policy
Environmental & Biodiversity Policy
Grants Application Form
Investment Policy
Privacy Policy
Resilience Plan
Safeguarding Policy - Children

Data Protection

As a Parish Council we do not hold a  great deal of personal data, however, if we ask you for personal information, we promise:

  • to make sure you know why we need it;

  • to only ask for what we need, and not to collect too much or irrelevant information;

  • to protect it and make sure nobody has access to it who shouldn’t;

  • to let you know if we share it with other organisations to give you better public services - and if you can say no;

  • to make sure we don’t keep it longer than necessary; and

  • not to make your personal information available for commercial use


In return, we ask you to:

  • give us accurate information; and

  • tell us as soon as possible if there are any changes, such as a new address.


This helps us to keep your information reliable and up to date.


You can get more details on:

  • how to find out what information we hold about you and how to ask us to correct any mistakes;

  • agreements we have with other organisations for sharing information;

  • circumstances where we can pass on your personal information without telling you, for example, to prevent and detect crime or to produce anonymised statistics;

  • our instructions to staff on how to collect, use and delete your personal information;

  • how we check the information we hold is accurate and up to date; and

  • how to make a complaint.


When we ask you for information, we will keep to the law, including the Data Protection Act 1998.


For independent advice about data protection, privacy and data-sharing issues contact the Information Commissioner's Office


Tel: 01625 545745 or 0303 123 1113
Fax: 01625 524510


The Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

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