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Award for Holmes Chapel Railway Station!

At the recent Cheshire Best Kept Station Awards for 2020, Holmes Chapel has been granted a "Partnership Working in the Community" award. This special award highlights the terrific work that our volunteer group "Friends of Holmes Chapel Station" undertake, and the number of different organisations that they work with include the Brownies, the local library, The Parish Council, The Cedars Care Home and Busy Bees local children's nursery. They are of course very well supported by our friendly and helpful station manager Graham Blake.

We all enjoy the floral displays that they create and maintain each year - grateful thanks to all involved.

We continue to lobby Northern Rail for the much needed improvements to the station buildings, which look very shabby, as well as the completion of the CCTV installation at the site. We have been chasing this for three years now - a frustrating task which we will continue to do.

December 2020

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