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Car Parking Charges

In Holmes Chapel there are currently two Cheshire East owned car parks - one on the Parkway and the other behind the library and health centre. These car parks are currently free to use.

Last year, Cheshire East Council consulted on the introduction of charges to all free car parks in the borough. Holmes Chapel Parish Council strongly opposed the introduction of car parking charges and wrote a detailed response which was publicised. Our comments can be read by clicking the following link:

On 25th January 2024, the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Parish Council attended the Highways & Transport Committee to once again share our concerns. They were joined by representatives from a number of other areas with the vast majority speaking to raise objections to the plans.

Unfortunately, despite our best efforts and despite our Ward Member voting against the proposals, the Highways & Transport Committee voted to introduce parking charges.

What does this mean for Holmes Chapel?

Cheshire East's timescale for implementation is October 2024. The Parkway would be a short stay car park and London Road car park (behind the library) long-stay and free after 3pm. This is what the charges are likely to be, although we wait for official confirmation of that when the minutes of the meeting are published.

In addition to approving the implementation of charges, the committee also agreed for officers to look at additional cost saving measures such as the removal of cash based machines, meaning payment would be card, app or permit only, the introduction of charges in the evenings and on Sundays and other measures, subject to consultation.

Holmes Chapel Parish Council is very disappointed with the outcome of this decision and the impact it could have on our residents and businesses.

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