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Cheshire East Highways Survey

From Cheshire East Council

'Every year, we carry out a highway's satisfaction survey. This year, our annual customer satisfaction survey is being administered by APSE on behalf of Cheshire East Highways. 

This survey will run from Monday 8 July to Monday 30 September 2024 and will collect opinions and satisfaction within the highway service.

Anyone over the age of 16, who lives or travels in Cheshire East can complete the survey. 

The survey is expected to take 5 minutes to complete.

You can either complete the survey online here or by clicking the button below, or by collecting and returning a paper copy from one of the Council libraries or from Delamere House or Macclesfield Town Hall Customer Centres.

Councillor Mark Goldsmith, Chair of the Highways and Transport Committee said, "Please spend 5 minutes to complete this survey. It really helps us understand YOUR Highway priorities for the coming year. With limited funding, the results of this allows us to focus spending on the areas you really value the most. Therefore, thank you for your time to complete this short questionnaire.”'

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