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Extending Saturday Night Opening Hours at the Skatepark

The Parish Council is pleased to fund 4 additional hours of opening at the Community Centre to enable residents to use the skatepark later into the evening over the summer holidays.

Due to Covid restrictions, the Community Centre currently closes at 3pm on Saturdays and Sundays (it is open until 9pm Monday to Friday). When the Community Centre is closed, so is the skatepark. Therefore, the Parish Council has decided that it will fund 4 additional hours for Saturday nights.

This means that from Saturday 24th July until Saturday 28th August inclusive, the skatepark will be open until 7pm on a Saturday.

Residents will need to use the pedestrian gate to access the site and there will be members of Everybody staff on hand to manage and oversee during those additional hours.

Please spread the word amongst those who use the skate park.

Confirmation of summer opening hours for the skatepark:

Monday to Friday 6am until 9pm

Saturday 8am until 7pm

Sunday 8am until 3pm


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