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Fibre Broadband - an update

Residents will be aware of concerns across the village surrounding the installation of telecommunication poles. Late last year there was a significant outcry when Airband installed poles on Ravenscroft. This resulted in a public meeting on 10th October 2023 with Airband and Digital Cheshire, and the poles were subsequently removed from that estate and Ravenscroft from the Digital Cheshire contract.

Concerns from residents, especially from Ravenscroft, have been shared with the Parish Council. Earlier this year, some residents approached the Parish Council and asked that we find out about Openreach's plans for the village.

A meeting was arranged in early March between the Parish Council and representatives from Openreach and Digital Cheshire. Openreach were asked about their current and future plans for Holmes Chapel. The following are key points from that meeting:

  • When Openreach refer to the Holmes Chapel area this includes other parishes who are served from the Holmes Chapel Exchange not just the village (over 5,000 homes).

  • The team working in the Holmes Chapel area also work in other areas and will move between these areas depending on work required.

  • The long-term aim is for 75% of the Holmes Chapel area to have access to full fibre broadband.

  • Residents are able to check if they have access to full fibre broadband on the Openreach website and register an interest in having it. The following link will take you to that website: Ultrafast Full Fibre Broadband | Openreach

  • Where there are already ducted wires, these can be upgraded. The issues are where there is just buried armoured cabling or ducting finishes partway up a road.

  • The cost of digging up roads is very expensive. In some areas poles may be the only financially viable solution.

  • If a resident has a complaint about an Openreach pole they should complain via the contact details show on the pole and all complaints will be investigated.

  • Openreach have to weigh up cost versus provision. Whilst their objective is to provide as much full fibre as they can - it has to be within a set cost point.

  • Openreach have confirmed that they will not install poles in the area without first consulting with the community.

  • Other companies can use Openreach poles but Openreach are not allowed to use poles owned by companies such as Airband.

  • Openreach have no current plans to install fibre on Ravenscroft.

We hope this helps to provide an update for residents. The Parish Council has no authority or legal power to stop any telecommunications company from installing poles. But we will advocate on behalf of residents and raise concerns on your behalf where required. If you have any questions, please contact the Clerk by emailing

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