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Parish Council Budget 2024/25

At the meeting of the Council on 14th December 2023, the budget for the coming year was set – this year the council agreed an increase to the precept equating to an extra £4.31 per average (band d) household per year - resulting in a total budget of £263,612.

We continue to provide many ongoing services for the village - examples including CCTV, Christmas lights and tree, the community centre, tree planting and St Luke's church floodlighting.

In addition, the Council are constantly looking to make improvements in Holmes Chapel - next year the projects include upgrades to some of our speed indicating devices and investigation of lighting on the footpath on Manor Lane along with many more - for the full list refer to our 5 year plan for capital spending on our website.

The full details of the budget for 2024/25 can be viewed on our website:

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