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Youth Council visit London

Updated: Sep 26, 2023

The Parish Council was delighted to arrange for our excellent Youth Council to travel to London and visit the Houses of Parliament - supporting the trip by funding all of the the transport costs!

It was an early start for the young councillors, catching a train from Crewe at 6am, but we agreed it was worth it! Arriving in plenty of time for their tour of the House of Commons and the House of Lords, we also visited Westminster Hall where our late Queen lay in state. It was an incredible experience for them to see these historic yet operational sites and ask insightful questions of their tour guide!

The tour was followed by a session with our MP Fiona Bruce at Portcullis House. The group asked excellent and sometimes challenging questions of our MP and found her answers very interesting and also inspiring. We are grateful to Fiona for giving her time to spend with our Youth Councillors.

After a short lunch break, the group returned and enjoyed watching a lively debate in The House of Commons from the public gallery. In the words of the youth councillors, everything they had watched and seen "made the Youth Council make more sense".

From there a walking tour through London past Downing Street, the Cenotaph, Horse Guards Parade and Trafalgar Square ended a thoroughly enjoyable day.

Huge thanks go to Mr Fu from Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School for supporting the Parish Council in organising and leading this exceptional trip. Thanks also to Cllr Mike Street and Deputy Clerk Sue McKay for all their hard work in helping plan this trip and for accompanying the Youth Council on the day. We are delighted that the young people had such a fantastic time!


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